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Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - Printable Version

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Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - Smudge's Mom - 08-06-2020

I have never seen cats who are so agreeable about taking medicine.  Paddy is totally compliant.  Whatever you stick in his mouth, be it pills from a shooter or horrible drops from a syringe, his attitude is, "okay, Mom, if you say this is good for me, I will take it.  But do you think I could have just one little "yummer-yummer" when we are done?  
Pooka will take anything that you put in her mouth.  She thinks everything is food...might not be her favorite food but it is better than nothing.  Sort of like me with lima beans....don't like them very much, but I'll eat them because they are there.

RE: Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - admin - 08-06-2020

You are so lucky. My two are not fun to medicate no matter what tactics I try. Tiki wedges himself in the tallest cat tree house come pill time, (seriously he's there every second day at 5 pm. It's bizarre), and extracting him is like pulling a cork out of a champagne bottle.
Eli instantly hides at the faintest hint of medication and trying to find him when he doesn't want to be found is a challenge.
I'm envious...

RE: Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - MUM_of_FLUFFY - 08-07-2020

I've never had to medicate Fluffy - but I just know he would consider it a declaration of war...

RE: Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - Codysmom - 08-08-2020

Sounds like you have the perfect pair over there. I remember on one occasion taking Cody to the vet for his annual shots and the vet wanted to give him a deworming tablet. I kid you not, after 20 minutes he gave up because Cody was able to hit the tablet dispenser out of his hand with perfect accuracy every time, fast as lightning. But when I took him home I was able to give it to him (without a tablet dispenser) with no problems. LOL! I still joke about it on occasion with the vet.

Katy is a little lamb when I have to give her anything as was her sweet brother and Mittens was fine with a tablet, but didn't like a syrup in a syringe.

RE: Best Medicine Takers, Evah!!!!! - HelenMac - 08-20-2020

I envy you. Have given up giving Zimba and Shadow worming tablets. When I finally do get it in mouth rub under chin they swallow I think yea then they jump down and run off success I think. Until Later on I found one deposited in my shoe and the other one underneath the mat in the bathroom.. Needless to say the boys now get the drops on back of neck.