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How did I get so lucky? - Printable Version

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How did I get so lucky? - MUM_of_FLUFFY - 12-28-2020

I thought Fluff was a gorgeous kitten...

[Image: 49028482266_5120dee9df_c.jpg]

But I had no idea what a magnificent cat he would grow into...

[Image: 50764235663_4045636d11_c.jpg]

RE: How did I get so lucky? - HelenMac - 12-29-2020

Stunning Heart

RE: How did I get so lucky? - Codysmom - 12-29-2020

He was absolutely gorgeous as a kitten, I've thought so from the first time you shared his kitten pic, and he has definitely grown into a stunningly handsome adult. I find Ragdolls just improve with age, they are such an amazing breed of cat. x

RE: How did I get so lucky? - admin - 01-02-2021

He's majestic. It's amazing how they change over time!

RE: How did I get so lucky? - HelenMac - 06-08-2021

What coloring is Fluffy.  Blue something? Lynx maybe?  Gorgeous boy. Heart

RE: How did I get so lucky? - MUM_of_FLUFFY - 06-09-2021

He's a lilac colourpoint - not a lynx - but I do think his forehead does look a little lynx-like sometimes... Smile