been a long time!
WinstonsandOlliesMom > 06-10-2019, 07:50 PM
Hi everyone, it's been a long time! I fell out of the habit of checking the old forum after I finished grad school, but I've thought of you all often. I'm now living in Washington DC, and Winston and Oliver are now almost 11 years old (in 2 months) and are asleep next to me on the couch while I write this. Both are doing well. Winston's kidney disease has been kept stabilized at an early stage for the last 8 years... I was worried this past winter because he was losing weight but his bloodwork came back stable and then he had a dental and had 5 teeth extracted. He seems to be feeling much better and now and is slowly gaining a little weight back, and his personality is back full-force. Oliver has gained the weight that Winston lost, but now that Winston is running around more it seems like Oliver is more active as well. Both are as sweet as ever.
Is there a way to insert a photo from a file, or do I need to upload it from a website? I’ve been trying to attach photos through the New Attachment function but (based on my “preview post”) it doesn’t seem to be working.